Friday, February 25, 2011

Bakin' Day

So darn cold outside today, so gonna stay put.  So was surfin for something to do , so I am trying a new recipe today.

I looks simply marvey, so time will tell.

Well today it has  9 years since I lost my Grandma Florence, my bestest buddy, we did lots of things together.  I learned how to do things from her and my Grandpa Oscar whom I miss alot also, he died when I was goin to my first year of college in 1978-Oh how that dates me also.  I just luv these pictures of Gpa & Gma, their Charley Brown Christmas trees were my favorites, I so remember some of their trees.  I even have some of their old Christmas ornaments and I cherish them every Holiday season.  Then then next picture is from about 1938 that baby is my Dad-Ernie.  He is a wonderful man also.  He would do anything for anyone.  As you can see i really cherish my family.
Today is the day to take balloons & flowers to the cemetery to remember Gpa & Gma, but we have so much snow noone would get out there, plus probably can't even see the cross that my Dad Ernie made for out there for my balloons.  I am so disliking winter.  I will always be the one in the family to put my flowers & balloons on families gravesites.  Summer I go to mow at my Mom's Mom's gravesite.  An old  country church.  I bet in it's time it was gorgeous!!!!!!!
Well off to do some Rice Krispie bars, jus what I need.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of your Grandparents and their tree is so cute. Looks like a classic out of a Norman Rockwell book of photos! Ha.
